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The Fact-Free Universe of Transgender Activism

…care” guidelines for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health—one of the bibles for clinicians who treat transgender and gender-dysphoric patients. But Dr. Zucker and his clinic had one little…

The Transgender Culture Wars

…that it will reduce bullying against transgender students. Masen Davis, the executive director of the Transgender Law Center, said, “Now every transgender student in California will be able to get…

The Priesthood of the Transgendered

…is much deeper, much more existential. Whereas the homosexual priesthood sanctified the rejection of nature, the transgendered priesthood sanctifies the unreality of being. The transgendered priesthood is the spiritual compliment…

Autistic Kids Targeted by Transgender Activists

…in the drastic increase of transgenderism, an assembly line of profitable surgeries and hormones. In addition to that disturbing testimony, I’ve been hearing stories of teens suddenly announcing they’re really the…

The Latest Absurd Manifestations of Transgenderism

…The New York Times, which, in a breathtaking February editorial titled, “Welcoming Transgender Boy Scouts,” authoritatively stated: “The Boy Scouts are recognizing transgender boys for what they genuinely are: boys.”…

Our Culture’s Diabolical Unsexing

…too often forget when confronting the transgender movement today. It’s no secret that transgenderism now dominates our culture. This movement has become all-pervasive, such that we now have the sitting…

The Big Lie of Transgender Ideology

…as non-essential social constructs. This discredits not only the truths of our male and female natures, but also of the living, breathing Trinitarian theodicy, which is fruitful marriage. Transgenderism is…

The Queer Rebellion against Reality

…a woman has a mother’s heart. Transgendered Women Most women who self-identify as transgender begin with some form of childhood GID. Because being a tomboy is more acceptable than being…

Flexible Genders and Fanciful Selves

…Martin Luther King, Jr. think of transgender “rights” being included under the term “civil rights” as the transgender activists would like it to be? And what is all this about?…

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