
Wildcat: Flannery for Rookies

Flannery O’Connor is considered one of the greatest Catholic writers of all time, but most people, when asked about her, make a face. The new movie Wildcat is provocative enough to drive a new audience to her strangely redemptive stories.

Thank You, Jesus

Gratitude is an exercise of the heart not the mind, and as such it gives the mind the space it needs to rest.

Tucker Carlson’s Spiritual World

Tucker Carlson claims that “spiritual” forces are at work in the world, directly involved in events from the creation of the atom bomb to supposed alien sightings. What are Catholics to make of these claims?

The Death of Death?

Many of our tech elites are spending vast amounts of money to defeat death and achieve physical immortality.

Light a Siena Fire

In our world today, it is boldness among the faithful which is the ingredient that we lack the most.

On Beginnings and Endings

What Eliot is trying to tell us is that the end will always be found in the beginning, and that when we finally do come to the end, it will have been granted to us so that once more we may return to the beginning.

All Things Considered: The Case for Defunding NPR

NPR’s beclouded notion of truth is convenient for journalists who, unfettered by any allegiance to objectivity, are free to choose whichever of the “many different truths” best align with their activist narratives.

Sanctifying Time

Recovering the Church’s tradition of regular and recurring religious practices throughout the day and in the course of the week, month, and year is not just folklore. It responds to a basic human need.

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