rural life / Middle America

Should Catholics Return to the Land?

Is the Catholic Land Movement a legitimate approach to rediscovering God’s gracious gifts, or is it just another lifestyle choice option for the post-modern-minded?

Navigating Changes from the Farm to the Computer

All of human life is lived between two worlds. God has placed us on this earth as wayfarers on a pilgrimage—where we are meant to work, pray, and love—although we are meant ultimately for a world beyond. The Second Letter of Peter sums up this future hope and the passing nature of this world: “We … Read more

Trump the Rotarian and Why Elites Hate Him and You, Too

Publishing scion Al Regnery told a story last night about how the hoi polloi out on the campaign hustings appreciated the fact that Donald Trump always dressed to the nines. Always perfectly turned out, business suit, dress shirt, shined shoes, perfectly knotted four-in-hand tie, the working man appreciated Trump’s authenticity. One man said, “This is … Read more

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